A practical program where leaders can learn to understand and appreciate interpersonal conflict as a necessary – and even productive – part of organizational life.
Your Takeaways
- Learn about five approaches to managing interpersonal conflict and how assertiveness and cooperativeness feed into each one.
- Identify your reflexive approach to interpersonal conflict, including the modes you use most and least often.
- Explore ways that you can strategically employ different approaches to conflict to achieve your goals and influence key stakeholders.
- Discover the drawbacks of over-using specific conflict styles, or using them in the wrong situations.
- Practice simple yet powerful techniques for defusing conflict, leading to better outcomes in your day-to-day work.
- Create a development plan that enables you to continue refining your conflict-management skills over time.
- 3-Month Development Program
- 1-Day Workshop
- Guided by Online Learning Platform
- Collaborative Application Exercises
- Learning Supported by Direct Manager
- Leaders of People & Projects from All Areas of the Business
Coaching Sessions
- 1 Leadership Coaching Session
- Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
Insights from Past Participants
“This program helped me see that I can navigate conflict in ways that help strengthen relationships and influence people. The one-on-one time with my coach was especially valuable – I got to talk through specific conflicts I was facing at work and figure out how to approach important conversations more strategically.”
TKI Conflict Modes
The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI) assesses behavior during conflict situations, or times when two people’s concerns appear incompatible. The framework has two key dimensions: Assertiveness and Cooperativeness. Knowing the best uses and downsides of each conflict style - and learning more about your own reflexive responses to conflict - can help you lead more effectively.

Key Topics
- Interpersonal Conflict & the TKI Framework
- My Personal Conflict Style
- Skills for Managing Conflict
- Influencing Key Stakeholders
- Setting the Roadmap for Influence