Assessments are powerful development tools. Stellar offers a wide variety of assessments designed by our own team and other well-known leadership development firms. Our development experts will help you select the right tools, understand your results, and illuminate a path forward.
1:1 Review Session
Review your assessment report during a one-hour meeting with a Stellar Development Specialist
Leadership Coaching
Incorporate specific assessments into an extended Leadership Coaching Process
Development Programs
Complete assessments to enhance your learning during a Development Program
Stellar Leader-360 Feedback
See leadership in a new light with the Stellar Leader-360. This multi-rater feedback process uses our validated leadership framework to help leaders identify their strengths, uncover opportunities for growth, and develop actionable roadmaps forward. The Stellar Leader-360 Process is designed for leaders at all levels and includes a leadership survey, summary feedback report, and 1:1 development planning session with an experienced leadership coach.
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Modes Instrument (TKI)
Navigate interpersonal conflict more effectively with the TKI. This 20-minute survey measures leaders’ preferences for five different approaches to conflict: accommodating, avoiding, collaborating, competing, and compromising. Our coaches help leaders review their results and understand how mindful conflict management can save time and support relationships.
Hogan Leadership Forecast Series
Illuminate the path forward with the Hogan Leadership Forecast Series. This set of assessments examines the bright side, dark side, and inside of leaders’ personalities. The Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI) captures day-to-day behaviors and preferences. The Hogan Development Survey (HDS) identifies derailing tendencies that may appear during periods of stress. The Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory (MVPI) measures the relative importance of various drivers of behavior. Together, this powerful assessment suite can help leaders understand deeply understand themselves and their plans for the future.